Alluvial aquifer


Okanagan Valley



Alluvial aquifer unit description

Alluvial sediments hydrogeological unit designates fluvial terrace sediments composed of sand, gravel and organic debris. The unit thickness varies between 0.5 and 15 m and outcrops and overlies significant glaciolacustrine sediments layer. The aquifer is under unconfined conditions, suggesting high to moderate vulnerability to surface contamination. It designates a low recharge rates area. Groundwater flows toward Okanagan Lake.
Hydrogeological regionCordillera
Hydrogeological context
ReliefThe hydrogeological unit is located along Mission Creek River. Elevations are approximately 500-600 m and the terrain is flat. The unit is limited by steep slopes bordering the river.
Area8.00 km2
DescriptionAlluvial sediments hydrogeological unit designates fluvial terrace sediments composed of sand, gravel and organic debris. The unit thickness varies between 0.5 and 15 m. The unit outcrops and overlies significant glaciolacustrine sediments layer.
AquifersList of aquifers Alluvial Sediments

Unit properties

Surficial aquifer media
Typical value:porous
Description Alluvial sediments
Source Surficial geology, Kelowna, British Columbia
Typical value:unconfined
Source Surficial geology, Kelowna, British Columbia
Surficial sediment thickness
Range: [50 to 100] m
Source Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Kelowna Area and the Mission Creek Watershed, Central Okanagan, BC
Surficial unit hydraulic conductivity
0.000001 m/s
Source Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Kelowna Area and the Mission Creek Watershed, Central Okanagan, BC
Regional precipitation
381 mm/y
Description Average annual precipitation for Kelowna is 381 mm
Source Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Kelowna Area and the Mission Creek Watershed, Central Okanagan, BC
Regional recharge
Range: [8 to 15] mm/y
Source Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Kelowna Area and the Mission Creek Watershed, Central Okanagan, BC
Regional discharge
Description Okanagan Lake
Source Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow Model of the Kelowna Area and the Mission Creek Watershed, Central Okanagan, BC