Geoscan publication

Title Paskapoo Groundwater Study, Part II: sandstone thickness and porosity estimations using well log data for the aquifer system in the Tertiary Paskapoo Formation, Alberta
Source Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5445, 2007, 14 pages; 1 CD-ROM, Open Access
Abstract Although the Tertiary Paskapoo aquifer system is the most important groundwater supply in Alberta and has been under increasing development pressure since 1970's, little public information is available with respect to the regional aquifer characteristics and thesustainable groundwater yield of the system. To study the groundwater storage capacity and its spatial variation, digital borehole geophysical logs, such as the gamma-ray (GR) and sonic (DT) logs, collected by the oil industry for the identification and characterization of petroleum reservoirs, were used to estimate sand content and aquifer porosity of the system in this study. A total of 220 oil industry wells, covering a large portion of the system mostly in south Alberta, were selected. This open file report provides a regional overview of the study and presents some of the aquifer parameters within the Paskapoo aquifer system.
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