Geoscan publication

Title Paskapoo groundwater study. Part I: hydrogeological properties of the Paskapoo Formation determined from six continuous cores
Source Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5392, 2007, 6 pages; 1 CD-ROM, Open Access
Abstract This CD contains a report that summarizes results of hydrogeological properties measured from six deep coreholes. Fifty-six representative sandstone samples of the Paskapoo Formation were collected for thin section petrography to determine mineralogical, textural, digenetic and aquifer characteristics. Major mineralogical compositions, grain constituents and porosity were semi-quantified using visual estimation. Petrography data is summarized in table format, including framework mineralogy, diagenetic minerals, rock type, texture and porosity. Representative photomicrographs with descriptions of the thin sections are provided. Helium porosity measurements were made for all sandstone samples with corresponding thin sections. In addition, air-permeameter measurements, conducted by the Alberta Geological Survey, were taken along the cores. All results and data are presented here. CD is in PDF format.
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