Cameron and Horne Lakes

Hydrogeological Context



Cameron and Horne Lakes unit description

The Cameron-Horne context is similar to the Lowlands context, except for the surficial unit which is composed of fluvioglacial sand and gravel deposits (the more permeable component of the Vashon). All hydrogeological units are therefore present, with the exception of the Capilano-Salish and Capilano units. This context is located at the outlet of the Cameron and Horne lakes, in the lowland area. The coarser sediments of the Vashon could be an important aquifer and is expected to be either perched over impermeable Vashon till or in direct contact with the Quadra unit. The hydraulic connection between the coarse sediments of the Vashon and the underlying aquifers is not well understood as no stratigraphic drilling is available. The Mapleguard sediments may not be present at this elevation.
Hydrogeological regionCordillera
Hydrogeological context
ReliefThe Cameron and Horne Lakes Context is located in the lowland and shows a low relief. The elevation ranges between 50 and 150 m.
Area41.00 km2
DescriptionIn descending order, the geological units include in this context are: the Vashon Drift, the Quadra Sand, the Cowichan Head Formation, the Dashwood Drift, the Mapleguard Sediments, the sedimentary rocks of the Lower Nanaimo Group, and the metamorphic and intrusive basement.
AquifersList of aquifers: - Vashon-Capilano - Quadra - Dashwood-Mapleguard - Lower Nanaimo Group

Unit properties