Englishman River

Hydrogeological Context



Englishman River unit description

The hydrogeological context of the Englishman River is completely different from the other contexts as it is predominantly bedrock and where present, the sediment cover is much thinner. The distribution of this context closely matches the watershed limits of the Englishman River, which essentially flows on till and bedrock units. Like other major rivers in the study area, seepage faces occur along slopes incised by river erosion. Capilano deposits along the Englishman River (especially downstream) could form important riverbank storage and regulate exchanges between groundwater and surface water.
Hydrogeological regionCordillera
Hydrogeological context
ReliefThe relief exhibits a decrease of elevation from the inland to the Strait of Georgia, from 250 to 0 m.
Area88.00 km2
DescriptionIn descending order, the geological units are: the Salish Sediments, the Capilano Sediments, the Vashon Drift, the sedimentary rocks of the Lower Nanaimo Group, and the metamorphic and intrusive basement.
AquifersList of aquifers: - Capilano-Salish - Lower Nanaimo Group

Unit properties