Metadata: Hydrogeological Units, Groundwater Geoscience Program

Metadata NAP : more info



This dataset is designed to capture and represent through maps and succinct table report a set of synthesized information pertaining in general to hydrogeological units. It is considered the main dataset from the Groundwater Geosciences Program point of view. In the particular case of this dataset, a hydrogeological unit could be a hydrogeological region, a hydrogeological context, an aquifer system, a hydrostratigraphic unit or an aquifer. The rank attribute is used to specify the scope of the described unit (from aquifer to hydrogeological region). Some attributes (or properties) of the dataset are irrelevant depending of the rank of the unit. This dataset is organised to include multiple properties associated with aquifers and larger hydrogeologic units. These properties are gathered in larger classes which include identification, physiography, geology, aquifer description and properties, water balance, groundwater use and risk. The numerical values associated with each of the properties can be used to create thematic maps, hence the importance of using standardized units of measurements and definitions for these properties. When numerical values are not available, a general description can be supplied instead. The description can also be used to add context to the numerical values. Because this dataset is the cornerstone of the national view on groundwater, supplemental contextual information (metadata) must be part of the data. Thus, for each property, metadata identifying the source of the original data, links to similar data in GIN and description of the processes, algorithms or methodology used to obtain these datasets will be available to complement the data. A set of more complete metadata can be filled using the metadata forms available for the groundwater mapping projects. The general concept of this dataset is to apply the same data structure to various types of hydrogeological units, from the local aquifer to the almost continental hydrogeological region. The rank of the unit is defined through a specific property within this dataset (rank). The possible ranks are the following: - Hydrogeological region Hydrogeological regions are areas in which the properties of sub-surface water, or groundwater, are broadly similar in geology, climate and topography. There is 9 regions in Canada that have distinct groundwater systems. - Hydrogeological context Integration of physiography, geology and hydrogeology. - Aquifer system A heterogeneous body of intercalated permeable and poorly permeable material that functions regionally as a water-yielding hydraulic unit; it comprises two or more permeable beds [aquifers] separated at least locally by aquitards [confining units] that impede groundwater movement but do not greatly affect the regional hydraulic continuity of the system [Poland et al., 1972 1].) - Hydrostratigraphic unit Body of sediment and/or rock characterized by ground water flow that can be demonstrated to be distinct under both unstressed (natural) and stressed (pumping) conditions, and is distinguishable from flow in other HSUs [Moyes et al. 2] - Aquifer A formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs (Lohman and others, 1972).
Status:register completed
TitleHydrogeological Units, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Date2014-07-24 (register publication)
Date2014-07-24 (register creation)
Edition date
Citation group
register principalInvestigator
NameAlfonso Rivera
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Online Resource
Citation group
register originator
NameEric Boisvert
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543705
Online Resource
Citation group
register custodian
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
Citation group
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource
Presentation formregister mapDigital

Related publication

  • Données extraites du RIES (Réseau d'information sur les eaux souterraines) provenant de la source suivante: NRCan.


This dataset was created to provide a regional frame of the spatial distribution of the hydrostratigraphic units.


TitleNRCan - GSC - Hydrogeology - Thesaurus
Date2009-01-01 (register creation)
Date2016-12-01 (register publication)
Edition date
Citation group
register custodian
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
Typeregister theme
TermHydrogeological units
Spatial representationregister vector
Languageeng; CAN
Languagefra; CAN
Character encodingutf8
Thematic categorygeoscientificInformation
Supplemental informationAssociated datasets correspond to key canadian aquifers mapping projects


Specific information related to data distribution
Versionnot applicable


register distributor
NameEric Boisvert
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543705
Online Resource


register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource

Transfer options


Quality description scope :register series


Message Date lineage
Lineage is the description of the sources and steps used to create the current dataset.

General processes Hydrostratigraphic units and hydrogeologic contexts shapefile creation, Nanaimo Hydrostratigraphic units and hydrogeologic contexts shapefile creation, Nanaimo
Process step Sources
The datasets were extracted from all projects constituting this series.
Groundwater mapping projects.
The original datasets show a shapefile for the bedrock and a raster for each hydrostratigraphic unit. The raster was converted into vector, using the ""Raster to polygon"" conversion tool. If the raster was floating point file type, the ""Int"" tool was used to convert the floating point raster to an integer value. The raster can then be converted into polygons. The polygons were aggregate using the tool ""aggregate polygons"" with an aggregation distance of 50 m. The polygons considered as unnecessary (mainly one pixel isolated polygons) were selected by their area and erased of the attribute table. The polygons contours were generalized using the ""smooth polygon"" tool with PAEK algorithm and a smoothing tolerance of 200 m. After the files process to obtain hydrogeologic contexts, all the shapefiles obtained: hydrostratigraphic units (7); bedrock (1) and hydrogeologic contexts (4) were combine in one shapefile, using the merge tool. The identification of each polygon was done in the attribute table.
Benoit, N., Paradis, D., Bednarski, J.M., Hamblin, T., and Russell, H.A.J., 2015. Three dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Nanoose-Deep Bay area, Nanaimo Lowland, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7796, 1 .zip file. doi:10.4095/296302
The hydrogeologic contexts were presented by an image (Fi.8 of the cited article). First, the image was georeferenced with a shapefile of the study area delimitation. The image was georeferenced using the « Georeferencing » toolbar in ArcGis. To bring the image roughly in the right location, a ""fit to display"" was applied. Three control points were then created to perfectlty overstrike the image and the study area shapefile. To do so, the « add control points » tool was used. The study area shapefile was duplicated by exporting data. The hydrogeologic contexts were then defined using the ""cut polygons"" tool on the study area duplicate shapefile. Each hydrogeologic context was identified in the attribute table. After the files process to obtain hydrostratigraphic units shapefiles, all the shapefiles obtained: hydrostratigraphic units (7); bedrock (1) and hydrogeologic contexts (4) were combine into one, using the merge tool. The identification of each polygon was done in the attribute table.
Benoit, N., Paradis, D., Bednarski, J.M., Hamblin, T., and Russell, H.A.J., 2015. Three dimensional hydrostratigraphic model of the Nanoose-Deep Bay area, Nanaimo Lowland, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7796, 1 .zip file. doi:10.4095/296302

Technical details and constraints

File identifier34c0dbf2-9595-84f3-679c-7d2d7c90ecfe
Languageeng; CAN
Character encodingregister utf8
Hierarchical classificationregister series
Metadata standardNorth American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
Update frequencyregister asNeeded


Metadata are available in those languages (You can use language menu item in the top menu bar to switch language):
Language code Pays Encodage
register Frenchregister Canadaregister utf8

Geographic Reference System

Reference System codeEPSG:4326

Metadata Contact

register author
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource