
Given nameRené
Family nameLefebvre


This person participated to the realisation of the following products
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Development of a 3D geomodel for eskers: the case of the Saint-Mathieu - Berry Esker, Abitibi, Québec, Canada
Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater in the Châteauguay River watershed, Québec
Characterization and modeling of flow dynamics in the aquifer system of the Saint-Mathieu/Berry esker, Abitibi, Quebec
Modélisation de l'architecture 3D du segment sud de l'esker Saint-Mathieu-Berry reliée à la circulation de l'eau souterraine, région d'Amos, Abitibi
Impact of agricultural activities on nitrates in ground and surface water in the Wilmot watershed, PEI, Canada
Le projet piémont laurentien - Application de la cartographie hydrogéologique régionale à la gestion de la ressource en eaux souterraines
Groundwater nitrate concentrations evolution under various climate change scenarios for Prince Edward Island, Canada
Etude comparative des méthodes de détermination des périmètres de protection en milieu granulaire: exemples du piémont Laurentien
Groundwater flow dynamics in unconfined deltaic aquifers of the Portneuf area, Quebec, Canada
Maritimes Groundwater Initiative: towards an inventory of groundwater resources of the Maritimes Carboniferous Basin, Canada
Hydraulic properties of sedimentary rock aquifers in the Châteauguay River watershed, Quebec, Canada
Quantitative Assessment of Regional Rock Aquifers, South-Western Quebec, Canada
Downhole geophysical logging and preliminary analyses of bedrock structural data for groundwater applications in the Montérégie Est area, Québec; Geological Survey of Canada
Délimitation des eaux souterraines saumâtres en Montérégie Est, Québec, Canada
Atlas du projet Montérégie Est, sud du Québec, Canada
Portrait des ressources en eau souterraine en Montérégie Est, Québec, Canada
Cartographie hydrogéologique régionale du piémont laurentien dans la MRC de Portneuf : Détermination des périmètres de protection en milieu granulaire.
Cartographie hydrogéologique régionale du piémont laurentien dans la MRC de Portneuf: hydrogéochimie des eaux souterraines.
Cartographie hydrogéologique régionale du piémont laurentien dans la MRC de Portneuf: hydrostratigraphie et piézométrie des aquifères granulaires de surface
Regional Sustainability of the Chateauguay River Aquifers.
Groundwater Quality, Geochemical Processes and Groundwater Evolution in the Chateauguay River Watershed, Quebec, Canada
Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Chateauguay River Aquifers
Regional recharge estimation using multiple methods: an application in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia (Canada)
Three-dimensional unified geological model of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Alberta, Canada - Montana, USA)
Characterization of a Regional Aquifer System in the Maritimes Basin, Eastern Canada
A 3D esker geomodel for groundwater research: the case of the Saint-Mathieu-Berry Esker, Abitibi, Québec, Canada
Canadian Groundwater Inventory: Regional hydrogeological characterization of the south-central part of the Maritimes Basin
3D unified geological model of the Milk River transboundary aquifer (Canada-USA)
Hydrogéochimie régionale des trois bassins versants de la région de la Montérégie Est, Québec, Canada
Numerical modelling and isotopes underline climate impacts on groundwater nitrate in temperate agricultural settings.
Integrated regional characterization of the Montérégie Est aquifer system, Quebec, Canada
Numerical modelling of multisource nitrate generation and transfer dynamics, Wilmot River watershed. PEI.
Modeling the evolution of a regional fractured-rock aquifer system in southern Quebec following the last deglaciation
Modelling flow and nitrate transport in groundwater to assess future impacts of agricultural practices, Wilmot River watershed, Prince-Edward Island, Canada
A unified hydrogeological conceptual model of the Milk River Transboundary aquifer (Alberta, Canada- Montana, USA)
Indicateurs de gestion durable des ressources en eau souterraine appliqués au système aquifère régional de la Montérégie Est, Québec, Canada
Fracture systems controls on fluid flow in the regional sedimentary rock aquifer system of Montérégie Est, southern Québec, Canada
A 3D unified geological conceptual model of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Alberta-Montana)
Recharge assessment from daily soil moisture balance and well hydrographs for the Portneuf unconfined aquifers
Initial characterization of fractures and hydraulic properties of the Montérégie Est rock aquifer system
Hydrogeological Atlas of South-Central Area of the Maritimes Carboniferous Basin
Hydrogeological systems of the Montérégie Est region, southern Quebec: fieldtrip guidebook, GeoMontréal 2013 conference
Hydrogeological data from the South-Central area of the Maritimes Carboniferous Basin (MGWI project)
Résultats initiaux de la caractérisation géochimique des aquifères du piémont laurentien dans la municipalité régionale de comtés de Portneuf (Québec)
Analyse hydrologique pour l'évaluation de la recharge en eau souterraine dans le bassin versant de la rivière Portneuf sur le piémont laurentien, Québec