Unifying Groundwater Science in Southern Ontario Workshop


Where: University of Guelph Arboretum
Date: March 6, 2015

Meeting Objectives

  • Groundwater science GAP analysis for OGS work in Southern Ontario.
  • Groundwater science analysis to inform OGS – GSC collaborative project.
  • Follow-up on OGS 2012 GAP analysis regarding data management, interoperability, and accessibility.


*Download agenda in PDF format

8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 amLogistics and Welcome to Workshop
9:00 amIntroduction Abstract Presentation slidesJack Parker, Senior Manager,
Ontario Geological Survey
9:10 amGroundwater Resource Management in Ontario:
Current and Future Science Needs Abstract Presentation slides
Katherine Baker / Heather Brodie-Brown
9:25 amGLWQA and COA Annex 8 on Groundwater:
Identifying Groundwater Science Needs and Information Gaps Abstract Presentation slides
Scott MacRitchie, MOECC
9:40 amWater Budgets in Ontario: Where Do We Go from Here? Abstract Presentation slidesScott Bates, MNRF
9:55 amConservation Authorities – Partners in Groundwater Management Abstract Presentation slidesDon Ford, TRCA
10:10 am Break 15 minutes (Tea and Coffee provided)
10:25 amBedrock Aquifers and Municipal Groundwater Supplies:
A Collaborative Research Framework Abstract Presentation slides
Beth Parker, UofG
10:40 amOntario Geological Survey (OGS) Project Planning and Review
of 2012 Groundwater Geoscience Gap Analysis Abstract Presentation slides
Jack Parker, OGS
10:45 amOGS and GSC Plan for Collaborative Work 2014 – 2019 Abstract Presentation slidesHazen Russell / Andy Bajc, GSC and OGS
11:00 amDiscussion panel (50 minutes)
Guidance themes:
1. Gaps
2. Opportunities for interagency collaborations
3. Priorities
Discussion wrap-up (10 minutes)
12:00 am Lunch (provided on site)
1:00 pmIntroduction Abstract Presentation slidesHazen Russell, CGC
1:10 pmProvincial Open Government Open Data Strategy Abstract Presentation slidesRaphael Sussman, MNRF
1:25 pmData Management – Perspectives from The Oak Ridges Moraine
Hydrogeology Program Abstract Presentation slides
Steve Hoylsh, CAMC
1:40 pmMunicipal Asset Management and the Business Case
for a Geoscience Information and Visualization Platform Abstract Presentation slides
Kevin Cover, City of Ottawa
1:55 pmThe Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library:
A Model for Groundwater Data Sharing in Ontario? Abstract Presentation slides
Terry Carter, Consulting Geologist
2:10 pmGroundwater Information Network: Regional, National, and International
Groundwater Data Integration and Delivery Abstract Presentation slides
Boyan Brodaric, GSC
2:25 pmQuestion Period
2:45 pm Break 15 minutes (Tea and Coffee provided)
3:00 pmDiscussion (45 minutes)
Lead Question:
Given that groundwater data is collected, stored and managed by many different organizations across Ontario,
how might we move toward a collective data care and control strategy?
3:45 pmWorkshop Wrap-up