Regional-Scale Groundwater Geoscience in Southern Ontario: an Ontario Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada, and Conservation Ontario open house


Where: Delta Hotel, Guelph
Date: March 1st and 2nd, 2017

Meeting Objectives

Following the successful 2016 Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) – Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Open House, and based on feedback from participants, this year has been expanded to two days and incorporates an expanded role for Conservation Authorities. The Conservation Authorities participation has been coordinated by Conservation Ontario’s Geoscience Group (COGG). The first day of the open house continues to profile OGS and GSC research with an attempt to integrate perspectives from the USGS and other provincial ministries. Day two focuses on work completed by, and in collaboration with Conservation Authorities in Southern and Eastern Ontario. Talks on the two days continue to be 20 minutes in length; however, there is an expanded time frame during the health breaks and at the end of the day to network and also interact with authors who decided to have poster presentations. Poster presentations will be on display for the complete two days.

In 2016 four key issues were identified as being the focus of presentations. This year we continue to emphasize:

  • Outcomes of the OGS-GSC 2012-2015 Groundwater Geoscience Knowledge Gap Analysis
  • Canada – USA Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement /Canada – Ontario Great Lakes Agreement
  • Provincial Groundwater Data Management.
  • Conservation Authority Geoscience

As in 2016, the 2017 open house builds upon the issue of outreach and communications identified in the 2012-2015 OGS Gaps analyses1 . It is the second in a series of annual open houses planned for March to connect with groundwater practitioners and policy makers in southern Ontario, and share updates on OGS-GSC geoscience activities. Following each open house the organizers will complete an evaluation of the success of the open house and refine the format and content for the following year. The OGS and GSC are committed to developing this open house for a four year period till March 2019 when the exercise will be re-evaluated.

Abstracts in this volume have not been edited. The information presented is the responsibility of the respective authors and agencies.


*Download agenda in PDF format

March 1st
8:30 am Registration/Networking Russell/Priebe
9:00 am Welcome/Introduction Parker/Michaud
9:10 am An Overview of the Ontario Geological Survey’s Groundwater Initiative Priebe
9:30 am Highlights of OGS – GSC Collaboration on Regional Groundwater Studies: 2016 – 2017 Russell
9:50 am Break
10:30 am U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Research in the Great Lakes Basin Eberts
10:55 am Lithostratigraphic Compilation of Phanerozoic Bedrock Units and 3D Geological Model of Southern Ontario Brunton
11:20 am Developments in a Surficial Stratigraphic Framework for 3D Geological Modelling Sharpe
11:40 am Near Surface Hydro-Geophysics in Southern Ontario Pugin
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Niagara 3D Sediment Mapping Burt
1:20 pm Geochemical Characterization of Southwestern Ontario’s Breathing Well Region Freckelton
1:40 pm GW/SW interaction: Development of a Conceptual Framework Conant
2:00 pm Mapping of Buried, Surface-Connected, Karstic Groundwater Systems Using Dissolved Gases and Hydrochemical Tracers Hamilton
2:20 pm Break
2:50 pm Water Well Record Data Enhancement Project Carr
3:10 pm Directional Geostatistical Simulation for Regional Hydrostratigraphy Benoit
3:30 pm Improving the Spatial Density of a Regional Hydraulic Conductivity Dataset with Estimates Made from Domestic Water Well Information Priebe
3:50 pm WRAP-UP Priebe/Russell
March 2nd
8:30 am Registration/Networking
9:00 am Welcome CO Geoscientists
9:10 am Recharge Offsetting – Maintaining Recharge in an Urban Environment Cuddy
9:30 am Clarence-Rockland Groundwater Study – Aquifer Capability Screening Tool Pilot Study, Prescott-Russell, Ontario Di Iorio
9:50 am Break
10:35 am Development of Groundwater Vulnerability Guidelines in Thin-Drift and Paleozoic Bedrock Terrains, Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, Southeastern Ontario Evans
10:55 am Wetland Surface and Groundwater Interactions Monitoring Program Strakowski
11:15 am Wetland Ecohydrology Monitoring at TRCA: Insights and Lessons Learned Taylor
11:35 am Hydrogeological Tools for Characterizing Groundwater Discharges to Surface Water: Advantages, Disadvantages, and the Importance of Proper Timing Conant
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Insights from a “One Water” Integrated Approach to Tier 3 Water Budget Analysis Kassenaar
1:20 pm Application of the Tracer Radon-222 to Identify Groundwater Discharge Hotspots Along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline Robinson
1:40 pm Implementing Drinking Water Source Protection – Conservation Authority Perspective Ford
2:00 pm Modelling Advancements from Source Water Protection Van Vliet
2:20 pm Break
2:50 pm Municipal Water Well Efficiency Programs – a Fresh Approach in Peel Region; the Good, the Bad and the Imminent Lasso
3:10 pm Access to High Quality Groundwater Data – a Geoportal for Central Ontario Gerber/Holysh
3:30 pm OGS Client Survey Feedback – Presentation on 2015/2016 Survey and Feedback Request Parker
3:50 pm WRAP-UP Russell/Priebe/Ford
Number Presenter Topic/Title Affiliation
1 Brunton Karst and Hazards Lands Mitigation: Some Guidelines for Geological and Geotechnical Investigations in Ontario Karst Terrains Ontario Geological Survey
2 Burt Results of the Orangeville-Fergus 3D Sediment Mapping Project Ontario Geological Survey
3 Cushman Agriculture Actions to Reduce Phosphorus to Lake Erie Ministry Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs
4 de Jong Anticipating Demand for Groundwater Geoscience: Groundwater Risk Information Seeking Behavior Among Stakeholders in Southern Ontario Laurentian University
5 Ford How to Build a Living City – Balancing the Needs of Human Development and Ecosystems Toronto and Region Conservation
6 Kjarsgaard Newmarket Till Aquitard: Optimum Grain Packing with a Pore-filling Calcite-Rich Cement Geological Survey of Canada
7 Knight Chemostratigraphy in Southern Ontario by pXRF Spectrometry Geological Survey of Canada
8 Milloy Ottawa Harvested Hydrogeological Information Geodatabase Rideau Valley Conservation
9 Milloy Barometric Pressure Responses in Groundwater Level Time Series Data, A Literature Review Rideau Valley Conservation
10 Mulligan New Insights on Regional Stratigraphy and Hydrogeology Based on Surficial and Subsurface Sediment Mapping in Simcoe County, Southern Ontario Ontario Geological Survey
11 Wang Downscaling SMOS/SMAP Soil Moisture Product Using High Resolution Radarsat-2 SAR Data: A Case Study in Southern Ontario Geological Survey of Canada