Canadian Water Science Workshop


Date: November 27-28, 2018 in Ottawa, Ontario

Meeting Objectives

  • Signing for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning cooperation in water science between Global Water Futures (GWF) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
  • Improving groundwater sciences collaborations between GWF, NRCan, ECCC and AAFC.
  • Scientific presentations from all collaborators to identify specific challenges and solutions.


*Download agenda in PDF format

Day 1 - November 27, 2018

Welcome Facilitator: James Ikkers
8:00 am Arrival and registration at Natural Resources Canada
Booth Street Complex
Ottawa, ON
8:45 am Welcome remarks from the Government of Canada
Natural Resources Canada & Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Prashant Shukle, Director General, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (SPRS)
  • Daniel Lebel, Director General, Geological Survey of Canada (LMS)
  • Katarina Pintar, Director, Research Coordination and Integration Division (CFS)
  • Al Pietroniro, Director, National Hydrological Services
9:20 am Introduction and Overview of Global Water Futures John Pomeroy, Director of Global Water Futures
9:40 am Overview of the Research at the Global Institute for Water Security Jay Famiglietti, Director, Global Institute for Water Security
10:00 am Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation in Water Science NRCan and GWF Co-signatories
10:05 am Health Break
Scientific Presentations – Objective:
Participants will provide 15-minute thematic presentations summarizing their areas of research, with the aim to identify specific challenges or problems and proposed collaborative solutions to provide tools and technologies for the sustainable development of Canada’s natural resources.
10:30 am Presentations – Theme 1: Water scenario modelling, forest management, predictive tools and technologies Facilitator: Yves Michaud
Where is Groundwater and How is it Changing? Alfonso Rivera & John Crowle, GSC
Geospatial Intelligence for Continental-domain Hydrologic Modeling and Prediction Martyn Clark, GWF/GIWS
Integrated Modelling and Management of Watershed Systems Under Uncertainty Saman Razavi, GWF/GIWS
Snow Research for Flood Forecasting Richard Fernandes, CCMEO
Hydrology and Forest Management/ Modelling Forest Hydrologic Response to Environmental Change Jason Leach, CFS
An ECCC National Coupled Hydrological Prediction System : A Community Model and Ties with GWF Al Pietroniro, ECCC
Soil Moisture Monitoring to Enhance Crop Yield Forecasting and Drought Risk Assessment Catherine Champagne, AAFC
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Discussion
1:30 pm Presentations – Theme 2: Surface and groundwater modelling techniques, including flow systems and water accounting Facilitator: Yves Michaud
Deep Groundwater Flow Systems and Connections to Near Surface Fluxes Grant Ferguson, GWF
A Renaissance in Regional Hydrogeology: From Data to Modelling Dave Rudolph, GWF
Advances and Challenges in Groundwater Research in the Canadian Arctic Jeff McKenzie, GWF
Surface Water/Groundwater modeling – the Importance of Groundwater in Water Management Daniel Paradis, GSC
Terrestrial Water Cycle and Water Budget: Recent Research Progress Shusen Wang, CCMEO
Flood and Cumulative Effects; Dynamic Surface Water Mapping Ian Olthof, CCMEO
3:00 pm Health Break
3:30 pm Presentations – Theme 3: Climate change impacts, including natural hazards, glaciology, permafrost, peatland/wetland hydrology Facilitator: Paula McLeod
Remote Sensing for Urban Flood Monitoring and Risk Mapping Ying Zhang, CCMEO
Earth Observation for Peatland Mapping – Optical Monitoring of Wetlands and Inland Waters H. Peter White, CCMEO
Characterizing Lake and River Ice using SAR Joost van der Sanden, CCMEO
Crowdsourcing Tools for Validating EO-derived Products for Flood Extents and River-ice Jams Simon Tolszczuk-Leclerc, CCMEO
Long Penetrating EO Radar for Enhanced Peatland Classification and Monitoring Ridha Touzi, CCMEO
Forest Ecosystem Response to Climate Change Jennifer Baltzer, GWF
Boreal Water Futures: Ecohydrology, Wetland and Forest Management Research in an era of Transformative Ecosystem Change Mike Waddington, GWF
5:15 pm Discussion
5:30 pm Conclusion

Day 2 - November 28, 2018

8:00 am Arrival at Natural Resources Canada
Booth Street Complex
Ottawa, ON
8:30 am Presentations – Theme 3 (continued): Climate change impacts, including natural hazards, glaciology, permafrost, peatland/wetland hydrology Facilitator: Paula McLeod
Overview of Water Related Research at CFS Jason Leach, CFS
Climate Change Adaptation for Flooding and Coastal Management Monica Harvey, Lands and Minerals Sector
Remote Sensing-based Spatial Modelling for Permafrost Mapping And Projection (PerMAP) Yu Zhang, CCMEO
Permafrost Monitoring Network: Geothermal, Geotechnical Data Sharon Smith, GSC
Permafrost Mapping Stephen Wolfe, GSC
Rockies’ Glaciers and Groundwater in the Plains David Burgess & Alfonso Rivera, GSC
Cold Climate Hydrology: Natural and Disturbed Watersheds Sean Carey, GWF
Extremes, High Resolution Models and Bias Corrected Datasets Ronald Stewart, GWF
10:30 am Health Break
10:45 am Presentations - Theme 4: Data Management and Related Analytics (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence) Facilitator: James Ikkers
Data Management and Dissemination in an Open World – The Linked Data Experiment Éric Boisvert, GSC
Canada’s water and the Federal Geospatial Platform Colleen Fuss & Sébastien Durand, CCMEO
CHyF: Implementing OGC’s HY_Feature standard as services to ease water related analysis Marie-Eve Martin & Jean-François Bourgon, CCMEO
A Canadian Forest Watershed Research Network: Opportunities and Challenges Jason Leach, CFS
Hydrometric Renewal : Integrating a new vision for Canada Al Pietroniro, ECCC
Overview of Global Water Futures Data Management Activities and Framework Amber Peterson, GWF
12:15 pm Discussion
The workshop will conclude with a project-oriented session to determine next steps towards project proposals. Participants will deliberate on the prioritization of such proposals to be developed under the MOU.

Suggested Topics to Consider for the final discussion:
  • Remote sensing, geomatics and river basin modelling
  • Prediction of extremes of flooding and drought and flood risk under climate change
  • Forest hydrology, change and fire prediction
  • Permafrost, glaciers and groundwater and the water cycle
12:45 pm Conclusion