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Ce projet s'est intéressé au(x) système(s) aquifère(s) suivant(s)
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Publications produites par ce projet
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Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater in the Châteauguay River watershed, Québec
Conditional stochastic inverse modelling of the Châteauguay river aquifers
Hydrogeological overview of the Châteauguay River transboundary aquifer, Canada-USA
Hydraulic properties of sedimentary rock aquifers in the Châteauguay River watershed, Quebec, Canada
Atlas du bassin versant de la rivière Châteauguay
Regional Sustainability of the Chateauguay River Aquifers.
Groundwater Quality, Geochemical Processes and Groundwater Evolution in the Chateauguay River Watershed, Quebec, Canada
Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Chateauguay River Aquifers
Survol Hydrogéologique de l'Aquifère Transfrontalier du Bassin Versant de la Rivière Châteauguay, Canada - États-Unis
Groundwater Usage in the Châteauguay Area
Vector Dataset
Hydraulic Properties in the Châteauguay Area
Vector Dataset
Vulnerability of the Châteauguay Region Aquifer
Raster Dataset
Recharge Rate of the Châteauguay Region Aquifer
Raster Dataset
Piezometric surface of the Châteauguay Region Aquifer
Raster Dataset
Confinement Conditions of the Châteauguay Region Aquifer
Raster Dataset
Groundwater Composition in the Châteauguay Area
Vector Dataset
Groundwater Samples from the Châteauguay Area
Vector Dataset
Groundwater Level in the Châteauguay Area
Vector Dataset
Châteauguay Region Hydrogeological Units
Vector Dataset
Châteauguay Region Surficial Geology
Vector Dataset
Châteauguay Region Bedrock Geology
Vector Dataset
Châteauguay Region Groundwater Flow
Raster Dataset
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the Châteauguay River watershed
GOCAD model
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the Châteauguay River watershed
GOCAD surfaces
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the Châteauguay River watershed
MapInfo X,Y,Thickness
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the Châteauguay River watershed
MapInfo grid