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South Nation River Basin
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South Nation River Basin
Jeux de données
Publications produites par ce projet
Plus d'info
The Vars-Winchester esker aquifer, South Nation River watershed, Ontario: CANQUA Fieldtrip, June 6, 2007
Hydrostratigraphic model of the South Nation watershed region, south-eastern Ontario
Sequence stratigraphy of a glaciated basin fill, with a focus on esker sedimentation
Geophysical characterization of buried esker aquifers in Eastern Ontario
Integrated data sets from a buried valley borehole, Champlain Sea basin, Kinburn, Ontario.
Hydrogeological Units of the South Nation River Watershed
Vector Dataset
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the South Nation River watershed
X,Y,Z GeoTiff
3D hydrostatigraphic model of the South Nation River watershed
MapInfo grids