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SelectName (Metadata)ProjectLanguageTypeArchiveProgressPreview
Mirabel Region Surficial GeologyMirabel (AFSOQ)BV--
Châteauguay Region Surficial GeologyChateauguayBV--
Annapolis Valley Surficial GeologyAnnapolis-Cornwallis ValleyBV--
Surficial Geology of the South-Central Area of the Maritimes Carboniferous BasinCarboniferous BasinBV--
Surficial Geology of the Chaudière River WatershedChaudiereBV--
Portneuf Region Surfical GeologyPortneufBV--
Surficial Geology of the South-Western MauricieSt Maurice DeltaBV--
Surficial Geology of the Paskapoo FormationPaskapooBV--
Surifical geology of Ontario, 1:1MEV--
Surficial geology of southern Ontario, 1:50KEV--
Overburden thickness, southern OntarioER--
Surfical geology of Gagetown military baseGagetown military base, NBBV--
Cold Lake surficial geologyCold Lake military base, ABBV--
Surficial Geology of the Credit River WatershedCredit RiverBV--
Measford Military base Surficial GeologyMeaford military base, ONBV--
Surficial Geology of the Oak Ridges MoraineOak Ridges MoraineBV--
Surficial Geology of the Saint Mathieu Esker in AbitibiSt. Mathieu EskerBV--
Surficial Geology, Kelowna (Okanagan Valley), British ColumbiaOkanagan ValleyBV--
Nanaimo Lowlands Surficial GeologyNanaimo LowlandsBV--
Richelieu-Yamaska Region Surficial GeologyRichelieuBV--
Surficial geology for the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (CLAWR)Cold Lake military base, ABBV--
Surficial Geology overlying the Winnipeg FormationBasal Clastic Unit (Winnipeg)BV--
Surficial Geologie of the Milk River AquiferMilk RiverBV--

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More detailed information is available in the metadata file provided with each datasets.

Recommended citation:
Data from NRCan provided by GIN (Groundwater Information Network).
Accessed on 09/17/2024 at